@database FastView.guide @author "John Hendrikx" @(c) "Copyright © 1994 John Hendrikx" @$VER: FastView.guide 1.30 (23.1.95) @node Main "FastView Help" @{b}FastView 1.30@{ub} Copyright © 1994, John Hendrikx All rights reserved Release date 23 January 1995 SHAREWARE User Manual @{" Introduction " link Introduction} What can I do with FastView? @{" Feature List " link Features} What features does FastView have? @{" Requirements " link Requirements} Will it run on my system? @{" Usage " link Usage} How do I use FastView? @{" Known bugs " link Bugs} Things I should know... @{" How to reach me " link About} How can I reach the author ? @{" Acknowledgements " link Ack} Who does the author want to thank ? @{" History " link History} What's new in this version ? @endnode @node Introduction "FastView: Introduction" FastView is a program which shows IFF/GIF and JPEG pictures on your screen. Of course many programs exist for this task, but this one is special because it is very fast and was designed with both OCS/ECS and AGA users in mind. For example: FastView can show HAM8 and IFF24Bit pictures on OCS/ECS machines in HAM which was one of the things I missed in all the other viewing-programs I've seen. JPEG pictures are shown using the Tower JPEG Codec Class by Christoph Feck. @{b}COPYRIGHT NOTICE@{ub} FastView software and documentation are Copyright © 1994 by John Hendrikx. All rights reserved. The JPEG codec is Copyright (C) 1994 Christoph Feck, TowerSystems. All Rights Reserved. It is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. @{b}DISCLAIMER@{ub} FastView has proven to be stable in everyday use. @{" The author " link About} is not responsible for any loss of data, damages to software or hardware that may result directly or indirectly from the use of this program. The author reserves the right to make changes to the software or documentation without notice. The JPEG codec is provided "AS-IS" and subject to change without prior notice; no warranties are made. All use is at your own risk. No liability or responsibility is assumed. @{b}PREFACE@{ub} This program is shareware, it is *not* public domain. This means that if you use this program longer than a period of two weeks you'll have to send @{" The author " link About} 20 DM, 20 Guilders or 15 US Dollars to become a registered user. None of the files of the FastView package may be modified or left out without permission of the author. Crunching or archiving is allowed only if none of the FastView files get modified by it. Special permission is hereby granted to include FastView in Public-Domain collections such as Fred Fish's Amiga Library. @endnode @node Features "FastView: Features" - Displays any IFF ILBM picture (even HAM8 or 24Bit pictures) in HAM on OCS/ECS machines. Of course if the picture doesn't need to be rerendered in HAM it will use a normal OCS/ECS screenmode. On AGA machines FastView will show the pictures if possible in upto 256 colors or in HAM8 - Displays GIF pictures of 17 or more colors in HAM on OCS/ECS machines. If less colors are used HIRES-INTERLACED will be used. On AGA machines GIFs always get displayed in upto 256 colors - JPEG pictures are supported via the Tower JPEG Codec Class by Christoph Feck. FastView will display both grayscale and color JPEGs in HAM6 or HAM8 depending on your machine. - AmigaDOS patterns (wildcards) are supported - Optional Dithering of rerendered pictures (ie. pictures which are converted from 256 colors to HAM6, or from 24Bit to HAM8 etc...) - If multiple pictures were specified on the command line FastView will automatically load and decode the next picture while you're still viewing the previous one - Optional (Down)Scaling of rerendered pictures to fit screen - On OCS/ECS machines FastView tries to recognize pictures with B&W palettes and will display these in HIRES-INTERLACED instead of HAM - Smart color-selection when rerendering pictures to HAM - Very fast conversion to HAM/HAM8 - Very fast C2P routines (copied from TextDemo :-)) - Keyboard can be used to scroll picture (or the mouse of course) - Coded in 100% Assembler (only 13K in size!) @endnode @node Requirements "FastView: System requirements" FastView should run on any Amiga system with at least 512K RAM and one disk-drive. FastView requires KickStart V2.04 or higher to run. FastView is KickStart 3.0 compatible and aware. It will use some V39 functions when available. Should you have any trouble running FastView on your machine, please @{" contact me " link About} with the full specifications of your machine, that is KickStart version, model, expansion boards etc... @endnode @node About "FastView: About the author and the program" FastView has been created using the Devpac Assembler and CygnusED on a Amiga 2000 with a 68030/22 and 7 MB of memory. If you have suggestions or remarks about this program, or if you find any bugs, please let me know. When sending in bug reports, please state exactly under what circumstances the bug occurred, what equipment was used and what happened. If possible also try to give me enough information to reproduce the bug. It is very difficult to find bugs when you don't know exactly what happened. Write to the following address: Fido : 2:286/407.8 AmigaNet : 39:153/201.8 NLA Net : 14:101/200.8 UUCP : john.hendrikx@grafix.xs4all.nl Send the shareware fee to: John Hendrikx Figarostraat 36 3208 PD Spijkenisse The Netherlands GIRO: 6151980 (The Netherlands) I will also try to put the latest available version of FastView on the following BBS (this may change without further notice): Grafix Attack (Kees Huizer, Vlaardingen) Tel. +31104745816 (MT 14K4) +31104741062 (ZyXEL 19K2) +31104744682 (Tron 28K8) Fido Node 2:286/407 AmyNet 39:153/201 NLA Node 14:101/200 @endnode @node Usage "FastView: Usage" There is nothing to it really. Just run it from the CLI or install it in your favourite Directory utility. Command line: FILES/M,DITHER/S,NOINTERLACE/S,SCALE/S,DELAY/K/N,INFO/S,WAITFORPIC/S,ROM/S, NOBESTMODEID FILES/M This argument is not required. If you don't specify any files FastView will pop up a file-requester where you can select which pictures you want to view. You can use AmigaDOS patterns (wildcards) to make viewing multiple pictures easier. You can add as many names/patterns on the command line as you want, and all pictures will be viewed in the order you specified. (Note: Patterns matching multiple pictures will be shown in a somewhat random order) In case you're viewing multiple pictures the Right Mouse button will act as an abort-function, thus it will enable you to exit FastView completely at any time. LeftMouse button will continue to the next picture. DELAY/K/N Using this option you can turn FastView into a slideshow. It allows you to set the number of seconds each picture will be displayed. Note that FastView will automatically load the next picture in the background while you're still viewing the current picture, which makes slideshows look much better. DITHER/S Specify this on the command line if you want to add a simple form of dithering to the (rerendered) pictures. This will slow-down FastView by about 50%. NOINTERLACE/S Specify this to make sure FastView doesn't use interlaced displays. SCALE/S When you specify this on the command line FastView will down-scale (rerendered) pictures so they will fit on your screen, while keeping the aspect ratio intact. INFO/S Add this to the command line if you want the filename of the picture you're viewing to be displayed at the top of the display. WAITFORPIC/S When used in conjunction with the DELAY keyword this will ensure FastView waits before switching to the background picture until it is fully decoded. This will make slideshows look even better. ROM/S This will make FastView use ROM-functions to draw the pictures instead of poking directly into the screen's bitmap. This is only partially implemented and for now will only work on IFF24Bit pictures and GIF pictures. Comments from graphics card users on this function are welcomed! NOBESTMODEID/S This switch will disable the use of BestModeID under V39. You can try this switch if FastView picks the 'wrong' screenmode to display your picture. Keys while viewing pictures: Arrow keys or the Numeric Keypad can be used to scroll the screen Holding shift while scrolling will use larger steps Holding alt while scrolling scrolls one pixel at the time Space, Enter - Skip to next picture Escape - Exit FastView completely @endnode @node Bugs "FastView: Known bugs" While you're viewing a picture and you switch back to another screen the FastView screen/window wil get de-activated which will break the Delay function. This is because FastView won't receive IntuiTicks messages from Intuition while its window is deactivated, and so can't tell when the Delay time is over. Doesn't start from workbench @endnode @node History "FastView: History" Aug 20 1994 - V0.90 - Added GIF decoding Aug 24 1994 - V0.91 - Speeded up HAM conversion routine by almost 20%; Speeded GIF conversion by about 5%; LMB now also exits the viewer when displaying a GIF Aug 25 1994 - V0.92 - Handles interlaced GIFs; Uses LoRes HAM if picture is smaller than 320x256; Displays B&W pictures in Hires 16 colors instead of HAM Aug 26 1994 - V0.93 - Almost doubled IFF displaying speed thanks to the BackFill-Hooks (Other picture types will also benefit from this) Aug 27 1994 - V0.94 - Displays uncompressed IFFs Aug 31 1994 - V0.95 - Finally figured out how to convert HAM8 to 24Bit (it turned out IFF-HAM8 has its control-bits as bit 6 and 7...); Added Dithering for pictures which are converted to HAM or B&W V0.96 - Now outputs info about the picture; Possible to specify multiple pictures on command line and RMB now exits completely when viewing multiple pictures; Uses BusyPtr while decoding; Blanks mouse after decoding V0.97 - Added IFF 24bit decoding using fixed HAM palette; Also added NOINTERLACE command line option Sep 5 1994 - V0.98 - Added variable (Down)Scaling; Now centers picture if it is too small (this avoids the trash at the right-edge due to Hardware limitations) Sep 8 1994 - V0.99 - No longer crashes when a BadCode is encountered in a GIF file Sep 16 1994 - V0.99 - Fixed color-selecting algorithm -- it now does very good color-selecting Sep 17 1994 - V1.00 - Added AGA support (hopefully) and made it Kick2.04 compatible Sep 18 1994 - V1.01 - Added intelligent ViewMode selection if CAMG chunk is missing from an IFF file Sep 19 1994 - V1.02 - Fixed small bug which caused uncompressed HAM8 pictures not to be displayed Sep 20 1994 - V1.03 - Fixed problem with IFF pictures which weren't exactly the same width as the screen; Added rendering to HAM8 for AGA machines Sep 25 1994 - V1.04 - Fixed Enforcer hit when no palette was found in picture; Added Wildcard support Sep 29 1994 - V1.05 - Fixed LoadRGB4 code; Fixed bugs in Wildcard support which caused memory freed twice errors; Fixed HAM8 support Oct 3 1994 - V1.06 - Added simple local-colormap handling code to GIF decoder; When initial codesize was too small or too big GIF decoder crashed, bug fixed Oct 4 1994 - V1.07 - Added Delay keyword; Added keyboard support while viewing/decoding picture Oct 12 1994 - V1.08 - FastView now automatically loads and decodes the next picture in the background for nicer slideshows and faster viewing; Fixed small bugs which caused small uncompressed IFF files to be displayed incorrectly Oct 14 1994 - V1.09 - Finally IFF24->HAM8 works; Removed some more bugs Oct 20 1994 - V1.10 - Added file requester Nov 14 1994 - V1.11 - Fixed enforcer hit (reported by: Richard Hartmann) Nov 24 1994 - V1.13 - RGB to HAM/HAM8 conversion now 10% faster Nov 25 1994 - V1.14 - Sometimes crashed when running low on ChipRam when viewing large pictures -- fixed V1.15 - Uses BestModeID under V39+ to pick the best display type; Added INFO switch on command line which will print the name of the picture at the top of screen V1.16 - Seperate 68000 and 68020 versions available Nov 28 1994 - V1.17 - Fixed bug causing excessive HAM-fringing effects while viewing HAM8 pictures (reported by: Edmund Vermeulen) Dec 1 1994 - V1.18 - Fixed bug causing excessive HAM-fringing effects on Kickstart 2.0 (reported by: Remco van Hooff); Fixed bug with ASL requester causing the CurrentDir of the CLI it was started from to be modified (reported by: Jan van den Baard); Fixed bug causing interlaced-GIF's to be screwed up while using the INFO switch (reported by: Martijn Hoogesteger); Fixed INFO-text color-pick bug V1.19 - DELAY was ignored when there was no memory for the 2nd screen -- fixed (reported by: Arthur Pijpers) Dec 6 1994 - V1.20 - Fixed bug in IFF decoder when multiple FORM's are encountered in an IFF file (reported by: Jan van den Baard) V1.21 - Added 'WaitForPic' option. When using the delay option to create a slideshow, WaitForPic will make sure the picture in the background is ready before switching to that picture (requested by: Arthur Pijpers) Dec 8 1994 - V1.22 - Fixed bug with GIF's containing a local colormap. This bug crept in in V1.13 (reported by: Arthur Pijpers) Dec 22 1994 - V1.23 - Fixed bug which a division by zero by BestModeIDA(). V1.24 - FastView now correctly skips the masking bitplane sometimes found in IFF files. Dec 31 1994 - V1.25 - Small bug fixed created by 1.24, FastView accidently treated pictures with a transparant color as pictures with a mask. Jan 4 1995 - V1.26 - Fixed aspect ratio when using BestModeID(). Jan 9 1995 - V1.27 - Added JPEG support using the Tower JPEG Codec Class by Christoph Feck. Jan 22 1995 - V1.28 - Added a commandline switch to disable BestModeID. Also fixed a problem with WShell. Names which are too long to display above the picture are shortened. V1.29 - Significantly improved quality of pictures rendered in HAM6 and HAM8. Jan 23 1995 - V1.30 - Added GrayScale support for JPEG pictures. @endnode @node Ack "FastView: Acknowledgments" Thanks to all who registered so far: Folkert de Gans Vincent Zee Martijn Hoogesteger R. Veenman Tom de Ruyter Henk Siemer Thanks to Michael Zucchi for creating ZGif which inspired me to write this program! Thanks to Jan van den Baard, Richard Hartmann, Remco van Hooff, Martijn Hoogesteger, Arthur Pijpers, Maarten Ploeg, Edmund Vermeulen, Richard de Vos and Vincent Zee for bugreports and suggestions! Thanks to Christoph Feck for creating the Tower JPEG Codec Class which made it very easy for me to add JPEG support in FastView! _ _ // Thanks to \\X/ Amiga for being the best computer ever! @endnode